Meri Trajkovski MSN, RN, AG-ACNP


Meri Trajkovski MSN, RN, AG-ACNP

Managing Director, Medical Review Services

Meri Trajkovski is the Managing Director of Medical Review Services. She oversees iMPROve Health’s Medicaid Fee-for-Service (FFS) review contracts and all independent review services, including internal and external appeals and quality peer review. Ms. Trajkovski ensures institutional compliance with federal and state regulations related to medical review activities. She also leads efforts for review staff education, credentialing, internal and external quality improvement, and medical records management. Ms. Trajkovski has been an RN for more than 28 years in a variety of acute care settings in both clinical and leadership roles. She is a certified Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and serves as clinical faculty at the University of Michigan-Flint School of Nursing.